Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Development history and the collection of Hadith
In the reign of Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz bi the year 99 AH came the fresh breeze that supports the preservation of hadith, then in the year 100 H Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz ordered the governor of Madinah, Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Amer bin Hazm to record hadiths of the Prophet contained in the penghafal.
The authors of the history of the Apostles, the hadith scholars, and Muslims all agree that the AI-set Quranul Karim obtain the full attention of the Prophet and his companions. The apostle expect his companions to memorize AI-Quran and write it in certain places, such as pieces of bone, palm midrib, on the rocks, and so forth.
When the Prophet Muhammad. death, the Quran has been memorized to perfection by the companions. In addition, the verses of holy Quran AI-written entirely complete, it's just not been collected in the form of a Mushaf. As for the Hadith or Sunnah in writing when it's getting less attention as Al-Quran. Tradition of writing done by a few friends informally, because not commanded by the Apostle as he ordered them to write the AI-Quran. It is reported that some friend has a record of the traditions the Prophet Muhammad. They noted some of the traditions they had heard from the Prophet SA W.
Among the friends of Allah who have hadith records the Prophet Abdullah bin Amr bin is the U.S. who wrote, called sahifah sahifah-As-Sadiqah. Some of his companions expressed their objection to the work done by Abdullah that the Messenger They reasoned that has been said.
Meaning:"Do not write anything that you heard from me in addition to Al-Quran. And he who tired to write anything from me other than Al-Quran, let abolished." (Narrated by Muslim)
And they said to him, "You always write what you hear from the Prophet, though he is sometimes in anger, then he said something that is not made public Shari'a." To hear their speech, Abdullah asked the Prophet Muhammad. about it. Prophet then said:
Meaning:"Write what you hear from me, for God is my soul in his hand. Not get out of my mouth. But the truth".
According to a history, explained that Ali had a sahifah and Anas bin Malik has a notebook. Abu Hurairah said: "None of the Companions of the Prophet that a lot more (learn more) hadith the Prophet than I, but Abdullah bin Amr bin As. He wrote what he heard, while I did not write". The majority of scholars argue that the ban on writing Hadith abrogated (dimansukh) with a tradition that gives permission to come later.
Most of the other scholars argue that the Prophet did not hinder the efforts of friends to write an unofficial tradition. They understand the hadith the Prophet Muhammad. above hadith the Prophet wrote that the ban is aimed at those who fear it would confuse the AI-Quran Hadith The permit is only granted to those who feared not confuse tradition with the Al-Quran. Therefore, after the Al-Quran is written with perfect and complete its derivatives as well, then there is no Jarangan to write hadith. Specifically between the two above hadith the Messenger of Allah there is no contradiction when we understand that the ban applies only to certain people who feared mixing the AI-Quran with the hadith, and those with memory / strong hapalannya. And permission to write hadith is given to those who only write for yourself Sunnah, and they are not strong memories / hapalannya.
The friends of the received tradition from the Prophet SAW. hapalannya hold on power, which is received by way of memorizing, not by writing the hadith in the book. Because it's mostly friends receive Hadith via listening carefully what is spoken of the Prophet. Then terekamlah pronunciation and meaning in their heart. They can see first hand what the Prophet did. or hear are from people who heard it himself from the prophet, because not all of them at any time to follow or attend the assembly of the Prophet. Then the companions memorized every word of what was gained from his saying, and trying to remember what the Prophet did, for then conveyed to a recitation of others as well.
Only a few friends who noted that he heard the hadith from the Prophet SAW. Among the companions of the most memorized / Abu Hurairah narrated is. According to Ibn Jauzi that the hadith narrated by Abu Huraira the hadith number 5374 pieces. Then the companions of the most hapalannya after Abu Hurairah is:

A. Abdullah bin Umar r.a. Hadith 2630 narrated fruit.
2. Anas bin Malik narrated 2276 hadith fruit.
3. Aisha narrated 2210 hadith fruit.

4. Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated 1660 hadith fruit.
5. Jabir ibn Abdullah narrated 1540 hadith fruit.
6. Abu Said AI-Khudri narrated 1170 hadith fruit.

C. The collection of Hadith
In the first century hijra, ie, the Prophet Muhammad., The first four caliphs and the majority of the Umayyad period, until the end of the first century hijra, the traditions were moved and passed from mouth to mouth each time the narrator of the hadith narrated by hapalannya strength. It is famous for memorizing them strong so they can remove these traditions go back ever recorded in his memory. The idea of ​​raising traditions of the Prophet in writing for the first time put forward by the Caliph Umar bin Khattab (d. 23/H/644 M). But the idea was not implemented by Umar because he was worried that Muslims distracted in studying the Koran.
In the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz who was crowned the first century hijra, the pilgrimage 99 years came the fresh breeze that supports the preservation of tradition. Umar bin Abdul Aziz a famous caliph of the Umayyad fair and wara ', so he is seen as the fifth caliph caliphs.
He was very alert and aware, that the narrators of hadith in his memory that collects fewer in number, because it died. He worried that if not immediately collected and recorded in the books of the narrators of hadith, the traditions may be lost with the disappearance of the penghapalnya. Then moved with him to collect the traditions of the Prophet of the penghapal are still alive. In the year 100 H. Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz memerintahkah to the governor of Medina, Abu Bakr bin Muhammad bin Amer bin Hazm to record the traditions of the Prophet are contained in the penghafal.
Umar bin Abdul Aziz wrote to Abu Bakr bin Hazm, which reads:
Meaning:"Look what can be obtained from the Hadith Apostle then write it down. Because I fear will vanish due to the death of science and should not be accepted in addition to scholars of hadith Prophet SAW, and be disseminated science and science held assemblies so that people who do not know can know it, then surely it's science kept secret. "
In addition to the Governor of Medina, the caliph wrote another letter to the Governor to seek the books of hadith. Caliph also specifically wrote to Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Shihab Ubaidillah bin Az-Zuhri. Shihab Az-Zuhri then begin to implement perinea caliphs. And Az-Zuhri that is one of the scholars who first recorded the hadith.
Shihab Az-Zuhri from this (15-124 H) and then developed by subsequent scholars, who in addition to the books of hadith at the same time an attempt is made to select the traditions and mardud Maqbul using the sanad and isnad.
Isnad is isnad method and the method used to examine the sources of hadith heralds (narrator) by knowing the state of the narrators, a history of his life, when and where he lived, during his comrades, how perception and memory and so on. Science was discussed in a science called the science of hadith Dirayah, which became known by the science of hadith Mustalahul.
After generations of Az-Zuhri, then keeping tradition was continued by Ibn Juraij (d. 150 H), Ar-Rabi 'bin Shabih (d. 160 H) and many other scholars. As mentioned above, that the books of hadith began in the late reign of the Umayyads, but not so perfect. In the reign of Abbasids, in the mid second century H. penyempunaan effort. Began. that time the movement is actively looking to book their science, including writing books and traditions of the Prophet SAW. The books are well known at that time that there are up to now up to us, such as AI-Muwatha 'by Imam Malik, Al Musnad by Imam Ash-Syafi'l (204) H. Accounting tradition is followed more closely by the Imam-Imam scholars of hadith, like Bukhari, Muslim, Turmuzi, Nasa'i, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, and others
Of those, we know Kutubus Sitta (the books) six are: Sahih AI-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan An-Nasa'i and At-Turmuzi. Not a bit on the "next period of the scholars who paid great attention to Kutubus Sitta and its book of Muwatta by mensyarahinya and give footnotes, summarize or examine the sanad and honor-matannya.
D. The emergence of Hadith INFRINGEMENT AND REMEDIES rescue
Since the murder of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan, and the appearance of Ali bin Abu Talib and Muawiya who each wanted to hold office caliph, the Muslims are divided into three groups, the Shia. Khawarij, and jumhur. Each group claimed to be in the right side and accuse the other one. To defend their stance, they make false traditions. From now on that the emergence of false hadith narrations. The people who initially made false hadiths are from the Shiite group then Khawarij and jumhur, first place the development of false hadiths are Shiite areas of Iraq where you are centered at the time.
In the second century, counterfeiting tradition expanded with the advent of political propaganda to overthrow the Umayyad regime. As a counterweight, appears also from the Muawiyyah forger of hadith experts to stem the flow of propaganda by the opposition. In addition, there are also groups zindiq, carpenters tale that seeks to attract people to listen to false stories.
According to Imam Malik, there are four kinds of people who should not be taken away from him his Hadith:People are less common.People who follow their desires which urge people to follow his desires.People who lie in a conversation even though he did not lie to the Messenger.People who seem virtuous and godly if the person does not know the values ​​diriwayatkannya traditions.
For that, then some scholars studying and researching state-narrator of hadith narrators in those days there are many narrators, weak narrators of hadith narrators-narrators Among them. This is done to find out which ones actually periwayatannya acceptable and what is not acceptable.
It also sought the eradication of false traditions by scholars, that is by showing the names of the individuals / factions who forged the following HAIs made traditions that Muslims are not affected and lost by their deeds. To that end, the scholars compiled books that specifically describe the false traditions, among other things:

A. Book by Muhammad ibn Tahir Ak-Maqdizi (d. 507 H years)
2. Book by Al-Hasan bin Ibrahim Al-Hamdani
3. Book by Ibn Jauzi (died in 597 H)
In addition, the scholars of hadith makes the rules or standards and to determine the characteristics of concrete which may indicate that a hadith is a forgery. The characteristics which indicate that the hadith was fake, among others:

A. The composition is good tradition and meaning lafadz awkward, so it does not deserve it spoken by the Prophet SAW., Such as the hadith:


"Thou shalt not curse the cock, because she was my best friend."
2. Mean content of the hadith is contrary to reason, such as the hadith:

"The fruit of the eggplant was healed. All kinds of diseases."
3. The content / purpose was against the passage of the Qur'an and Hadith mutawatir or, as the hadith:

"Son of adultery was not going to heaven."
4. Tradition is against the word of Allah SWT. :

"Sinners will not bear the sins of others." (Surah Fatir: 18)
Sanad and Hadith Matan
Position sanad in hadith is very important, because the hadith obtained / diriwaytkan will follow anyone who narrated. With the sanad of a Hadith transmission can be detected which may be accepted or rejected and which hadith is authentic or not, for practiced. Sanad is a noble way to establish Islamic law.


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